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Common Roof Pests and How to Get Rid of Them


Roofs serve as the overhead protection of the household. Yet, despite the strength of this sturdy structure, it can also serve as a safe place for nuisance critters and pests. So, how do we prevent these annoying creatures from harming your roofing?

As a provider of restoration services in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, here’s how AAA Storm Repair can help:

  • Birds

    These winged creatures often make their nests in roofs, siding installers, and even gutters due to their soft insulation. Pigeons, owls, sparrows, and starlings are the most common culprits that damage the roof due to their acidic bird droppings, annoying clawing of the structures, and chirpy noise. As a result, homeowners will have to make structural changes before any storm repair. One way to get rid of them is to install decoys such as fake birds so that other birds will disappear.

  • Rats

    Any roofing contractor in Pennsylvania deals with pesky roof rats. Their sharp claws and teeth can damage any metal wrapping or downspout placement. Some ways to get rid of these rats are by using baits or sonic devices. Blocking entry points with barriers or nets is also an effective measure.

  • Ants and Termites

    These creepy crawlers are also a reason why residents seek roof repair services. They are attracted to moist wooden structures. A common method to get rid of them is using sprays and spot treatments with boric acid or orange oil.

In case you need any of the services we offer, please do not hesitate to contact us today!

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